Traffic on RM 620 between RM 2222 and Steiner Ranch is generally bumper to bumper weeknights during peak drive times. This photo was taken at 6:15 p.m. on April 4. Leslee Bassman
By LESLEE BASSMAN, Four Points News
Although Morgan Briscoe said she has always been concerned about the severity and frequency of accidents in Steiner Ranch since moving to the area seven years ago, it was the deadly collisions along RM 620 on Feb. 17 and Feb. 23 that sparked her to form an online advocacy group for a safer roadway.
“I was trying to make it clear that I don’t want this to be another place where we are complaining about things because there are plenty of sites (where) a lot of that is going on,” she said. “I was looking for people who had an interest in talking and doing things and being a part of the solution.”
Briscoe formed Citizens for a Safe 620 and has already held two meetings with the organization’s core group, including Steiner Ranch residents Anne Crowley, Martha Molinari and Linda Vezina.
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