Jason Homan, general manager of Travis
County Water Control and Improvement
District 17, explains how a water meter operates
By LESLEE BASSMAN, Four Points News
Steiner Ranch resident Nancy Phillips said she was concerned when she received her Nov. 22 water bill from her provider, Travis County Water Control and Improvement District 17. The statement showed about twice the amount of gallons of water she and her spouse consumed from the month prior, and near what the couple consumed during the summer months when their irrigation system was in use, she said.
“What was startling was the (November water) usage because, during the summer, when you are watering twice a week, you don’t expect to see the same usage in November when you’re not,” said Phillips, who lives in The Plateau. “And, as far as we know, we don’t have any leaks.”
WCID 17 General Manager Jason Homan, who is also a resident of Steiner Ranch, said his billing clerks have received some calls recently from district customers noting an increase in their bills.