Mickey Decker-Mitchell, WCID 17 board vice president, responds to a customer’s question regarding the need for a $5 monthly fee added to district bills.
District GM says fees go toward RM 620 roadwork
By LESLEE BASSMAN, Four Points News
Residents within the jurisdiction of Water Control and Improvement District 17 are slated to see a $5 fee on their next billing cycle in January, a charge that will remain on district bills for the next six years.
During a Dec. 7 town hall meeting at its offices, 3812 Eck Lane, Austin, WCID 17 General Manager Jason Homan said board members enacted the charge, labeled as TxDOT 620 Fee, as a result of the district’s costs to move its water and wastewater lines in conjunction with Texas Department of Transportation’s project to improve RM 620. TxDOT completed a feasibility study this spring that showed improvements to the roadway were necessary to decrease vehicle accidents and improve travel time as well as quality of life for area residents, he said.