Rising junior Abby Dennis had Down Syndrome and was excited to share her photos at the exhibit at Cups & Cones. Abby’s mom Lisa founded the VHS SPED Booster Club in 2016 in order to better support the school’s special education students and teachers.
Students showcase their photography
By SARAH DOOLITTLE, Four Points News
The Vandegrift High School Special Education Boosters or SPED the first booster club of their kind in Texas held an exhibit of student photos last month at Cups & Cones in Steiner Ranch.
About 30 photos were on display at the show on June 4 and were hand-selected by the students who took them. The five students were members of a 2017-18 vocational education class at VHS created especially for students with developmental delays and disorders.
“We used photography to teach vocational skills,” explained vocation teacher Ana Caldas. The task especially required the use of, “a lot of social skills… (The students) all know better now to ask anybody if they can take their picture before just snapping.” Continue reading