Napa Flats Four Points Facebook page shares that it is closing Aug. 1
Services for Raven Guyton, 23, will be July 29: Guyton was killed in the fatal car wreck at RM 620 near Steiner Ranch on July 22
July 26 2020 Issue
Sports, band, seasons delayed until Sept. 7, Spectators to be at 50%
Four Points News
Vandegrift football, volleyball and marching band seasons can begin Sept. 7 according to the University Interscholastic League “2020-2021 UIL COVID-19 Risk Mitigation Guidelines” released this week.
“With the recency of the announcement, we are just thrilled to have official dates and plan for a season,” said Drew Sanders, VHS athletic director and head football coach. “We were hoping for a decision soon, so we are excited to get to plan.”
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