High school sweetheards Ervin “Butch” and Donna Ackman would have celebrated 56 years of marriage this month. Butch passed away on May 28 of Lou Gehrig’s disease. The picture shows the couple at the Comanche Trail community fi re drill March 2, 2019. Photo by April GreearContinue reading →
Council member Greg Casar asked Manley to do the honorable thing and step down, and others expressed their disappointment in his handling of ongoing protests against police brutality.
Austin Police Chief Brian Manley speaks during a news conference near the scene where a woman was injured in a package bomb explosion, in Austin on March 12, 2018. Photo credit: REUTERS/Sergio FloresContinue reading →
Steiner Ranch Neighborhood Association says residents need to make their voices heard to the CAMPO board before Monday, June 8 to help the previously approved RM 620/Anderson Mill overpass project stay on the project list, which has recently been on a list to redirect it to a lower priority to push funding to I-35 work. In the photo, Thompto and William “Biff” Farrell at an SRNA meeting last year. LYNETTE HAALAND