Vandegrift 2023 Homecoming court: King, queen, princess and prince

Vandegrift 2023 Homecoming King Nicholas Shahinian and Queen Maya Bustami were crowned at half time ceremonies on September 29 at Monroe Stadium.
The daughter of Ella and Tareq Bustami, Maya is the senior class president, co-president of Pickleball Club, a member of the yearbook staff, and class representative of Key Club.
The son of Mihran and Lenka Shahinian, Nicholas is a member of the VHS soccer team, Math Honor Society and the Pickleball Club.

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LISD Superintendent advocates for public schools during special session  

Leander ISD Superintendent Bruce Gearing spoke at the Texas Capitol on October 12 to give a voice of support for public schools in the midst of a special session of the 88th Texas Legislature.

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