LEEF, Chamber hosts Leander ISD State of the District at VHS   

Vandegrift choir performs at the Leander ISD State of the District of the south hosted by Leander Educational Excellence Foundation and the West Austin Chamber of Commerce in late November at VHS.
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Viper football advances to state championship after win against Humble’s Summer Creek Bulldogs

Vipers celebrate after the victory over Summer Creek on December 14 at McLane Stadium in Waco.
Photo by Scott W. Coleman

Vandegrift Vipers beat Summer Creek Bulldogs 34-31 on December 14 to head to the state championship game.

The Vipers will play the Southlake Carroll Dragons on December 21 at 3 p.m. at AT&T Stadium in Arlington. Photos by Scott W. Coleman

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Vandegrift vs. Summer Creek in 6A DIV. II SEMI-FINAL CHAMPIONSHIP

Vandegrift Vipers (13-1) vs. Summer Creek Bulldogs (12-2) will meet at the 6A Division II Semifinal Championship on Saturday, December 14, 2024 at Baylor Unviersity McLane Stadium at 7 p.m. Vipers are the HOME team. #BLACKOUT

Coach Drew Sanders, Vandegrift football, talks to the Vipers after their win vs Harlan Hawks 47-14 on December 6. VHS advances to the semifinals on Dec. 14 in Waco.
Photo by Natalie Chilton Black Diamond Photos 
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