Tag Archives: Four Points

River Place district defining nature trail policies Local officials talk traffic, development with residents

L-R River Place Limited District President Scott Crosby and Board Members Ivar Rachkind and Art Jistal discuss policy and rules for the area’s nature trail on March 26. LESLEE BASSMAN

By LESLEE BASSMAN, Four Points News

Following a controversial move to charge admission to its nature trail, the River Place Limited District defined a policy March 26 that will govern the popular hike. Although board members discussed the trail regulations, they agreed to wait until their April meeting to approve the final policy.

“This was the first weekend we were able to finalize our contract for temporary help to man the trail with ticket takers,”  Limited District President Scott Crosby said of the March 23-24 dates.

During these two days, the trail saw 150 hikers on Saturday and 140 hikers on Sunday, he said, with board member Tim Mattox adding that traffic seemed lighter on these days than before the fee was implemented.

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LEEF may stay, Viper Nation may become a booster

By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News

The Leander ISD board of trustees will be discussing a new way to handle the district’s goal of having one education foundation at next week’s board meeting. On April 4, the trustees will discuss and possibly take action on allowing the Viper National Education Foundation to become an academic booster club while Leander ISD Educational Excellence remains the district’s only education foundation.

“LISD administration supports the recommendation that will be presented to the board April 4,” stated Corey Ryan, LISD chief communications officer.

Leander ISD has been in the process of trying to create only one education foundation for the entire district instead of having two at the present time with the request for more to be created.

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RM 620 motorcycle fatality near Mansfield

A Round Rock man died at the scene of a motorcycle accident on March 26 on RM 620 northbound, just south of Quinlan Park Road near Mansfield Dam.

Around 1:30 a.m., Eduardo Ernesto Benedetto, 44, was driving a 2011 Yamaha and traveling southbound on RM 620 at an unsafe speed in a curve, according to the report by Texas Department of Public Safety.   Continue reading

2019 Austin Regional Spelling Bee

The West Austin Chamber of Commerce hosted the 2019 Austin Regional Spelling Bee with 50 Austin area spellers on March 14 in Four Points.  

The 1st and 2nd place winners were the same as 2018 with Pranathi Jammula from Austin ISD’s Kealing MS coming in as the champion, and Pranav Nandakumar from Magellan International School as the runner-up. Eshan Bharadwaj from Cedar Park MS came in 3rd place.

There were four local students in the competition this year.

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