Tag Archives: Four Points

Residents share comments on Steiner evacuation route plans at packed meeting with Travis County

David Voelkel, longtime resident of the Estates of Westridge, spoke up at the meeting on Dec. 11 where Travis County presented options for an evacuation route out of Steiner. Route F, the only permanent route option, took up the majority of the comment and question period. The vast majority of those at the meeting expressed they are in favor of the emergency only road but not a permanent road.

By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News

More than 150 people crowded into Towne Square Community Center on Dec. 11 as residents from Steiner Ranch and surrounding areas listened to Travis County’s presentation about the top three proposed evacuation routes that are now on the table for consideration. Community members asked questions and gave feedback after a presentation.

Route F the only route that is also a permanent option was presented on Dec. 5 as the county’s top choice at a meeting in Steiner with residents who live near the proposed route F path. Residents who use the Westridge fields and park were also at the meeting since F would greatly affect that area.

But after overwhelmingly negative feedback on Dec. 5 on the subject of a permanent road, the county is slowing down the process and pulled together the Dec. 11 meeting in short order in an effort to get more community feedback.

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Breakfast with Santa

Jose and Marielle Osuna enjoyed breakfast and photos with Santa with their children Mia, Alexa and Nicholas at the annual Steiner Ranch event. SARAH DOOLITTLE

By SARAH DOOLITTLE, Four Points News

Santa is making his way through Four Points, posing for photos and hearing many wishes.

The 2018 Breakfast with Santa, hosted Dec. 8 in the Towne Square Community Center in Steiner Ranch, was a festive event attended by 175 Steiner parents and children.

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Santa stops in at ACF’s Christmas event

The five Kenoyer children of River Place get some time with Santa at ACF on Saturday. Jet, 11, wants a guitar and a hoverboard and Jace, 9, wants a PlayStation 4 Pro. Jax, 5, Jude, 4, and their sister Jamison, 4, all were onto another activity before sharing their wish list. LYNETTE HAALAND

Austin Christian Fellowship hosted Saturday with Santa over the weekend where Santa was the guest of honor. Children took the opportunity to sits on Santa’s lap and share what they want for Christmas. The Dec. 8 event featured a photo booth, crafts and a hot chocolate bar. Families also created holiday gifts for elderly and disabled residents of the Lakeside Apartments in Austin, which ACF has been serving for over two years.

Photos by Lynette Haaland

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Giving Portraits helps families & lifts poverty in India

By SARAH DOOLITTLE, Four Points News

Steiner Ranch resident Animon Jose has begun another year of fundraising with his charitable project, Giving Portraits, to help less fortunate in India while helping local families with their family Christmas card photos.

Every year in December, Jose, a computer programmer by trade, rents a local photography studio and invites anyone to sign up for family or individual photos. In lieu of payment, Jose asks for donations of any amount, which he then donates to a charity in India.

Jose and his wife, Suja, and their daughter Anupriya and son Pranav all help with Giving Portraits. Even now with his daughter away at university studying biomedical engineering and his son a busy sophomore at Vandegrift, Giving Portraits is a family affair.

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