Tag Archives: Grandview Hills

Local dermatologist raises funds for Dell

The Bhatt family hosted their annual fundraiser “Botox for Babes” and donated $16,662 to Dell Children’s Medical Center of Central Texas this summer.

Some 60 patients and all of the Four Points Dermatology staff participated at the June 20 event, said Roopal Bhatt, founder and dermatologist of the local practice.

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Four Points neighbors help Kenyan orphanage

Kirsten Hanna (white shirt) and Ashley Goolsby (blue shirt) made the trip earlier this year to Shelter Children’s Home in Africa. In small ways, the two local residents are helping sustain the orphanage.

By SARAH DOOLITTLE, Four Points News

After visiting an orphanage in Ngong, Kenya, two Four Points neighbors decided to make it their mission to help.

In January, Kirsten Hanna and Ashley Goolsby visited Shelter Children’s Home, the orphanage and school is home to 151 Kenyan boys and girls, from newborns through their late teens, and boasts over 300 alumni.

Goolsby — who owns restaurant Shack 512 on Lake Travis with her husband — had visited previously and was sponsoring the cost of one student’s college education at the home. Timing was right, their son Gray graduated Vandegrift in 2016.

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Shorter bus commutes, air conditioning coming

By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News

Students riding bus home from Vandegrift and Four Points Middle School are getting home much quicker now than when the school year began, and the Leander ISD school board is working to equip buses with air conditioning.   

Many parents were concerned about the long commutes on hot buses during the first week of school.

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More development coming to RM 620: Hotel, housing, retail, offices, dealership

Proposed developments along RM 620 between RM 2222/Bullick Hollow and Anderson Mill Road. Google Maps.

Hyatt Place, Ash Creek Homes, Volvo set sights on Four Points area

By LESLEE BASSMAN, Four Points News

The heart of Four Points along RM 620 will be changing significantly in the months ahead as new development comes in. A new Hyatt Place hotel is under construction next to CVS, and new homes and retail space are scheduled to be built close by. Additionally, a new Volvo dealership is slated to go in a few miles away at RM 620 North and Buckner Road.

Development plans are underway on three tracts of land along RM 620 between CVS pharmacy and Home Depot. The 95-room Hyatt Place hotel is under construction at 7300 N. RM 620 on a 6.6-acre tract. A retail and office complex is proposed for the 27-acre tract between the Hyatt site and Vista Parke Drive. Ash Creek Homes is to develop a residential and commercial project at 11601 Vista Parke Dr. on a 7-acre tract.

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