Vikki Goodwin won the District 47 race last week.
Goodwin unseats three-term incumbent Workman
By LESLEE BASSMAN, Four Points News
Democrat Vikki Goodwin unseated state Rep. Paul Workman, R-Spicewood, who has been in office since 2011, to head up District 47 — a constituency that includes residents of River Place, Steiner Ranch and Volente. Goodwin has vowed to try to put pressure on the Texas Department of Transportation, the state agency that owns RM 620, to move forward with projects aimed at relieving the road’s severe congestion.
“I know that (RM 620) is a huge issue as I went through Steiner Ranch repeatedly,” Goodwin said. “There’s a long history of trying to improve (RM) 620 and the reason it’s been taking so long is because it is so far behind. It will take more than just a lane added in each direction to relieve traffic.”
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