Tag Archives: Lake Travis

Two missing, two drownings in Lake Travis in 6 weeks

Groups provide loaner life jackets, safety tips

By LESLEE BASSMAN, Four Points News

With four individuals either missing or drowned on Lake Travis since early-May, the Travis County Sheriff’s Office has already had a very tragic start to the summer season. Officials stress safety tips for boating

Ricardo Sierra Martinez, 27, of Mexico went missing June 10 after friends reported seeing him relaxing on a small island that he swam to in Lake Travis, not far from the point at Bob Wentz Park, according to Kristen Dark, TCSO senior public information officer.

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VHS athletes playing sports at next level

Vandegrift has a large number of athletes from the class of 2018 participating at the next level in their respective sports. Photo by Jenny Palmieri

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Easter new FPMS principal

LaToya Easter is the new principal of Four Points Middle School replacing Joe Ciccarelli, who opened the school in 2010 and is now retiring.

“I am excited to welcome LaToya Easter back to Leander ISD as the new principal of Four Points Middle School,” said Dan Troxell, Leander ISD superintendent on May 17. “LaToya is an energetic leader who brings a vast amount of experience in best instructional practices and supporting achievement for all students. LaToya is ready to build upon the incredible culture that has been established at Four Points and continue to enhance teaching and learning for all.”\ Continue reading

Walton new CRMS principal

Kimberly Waltmon is the new principal of Canyon Ridge Middle School replacing Susan Sullivan, who opened the school 2004 and is now retiring.

“Kimberly has worked her entire educational career in Leander ISD, and she is a proven leader in our district,” said Dan Troxell, Leander ISD superintendent who made this announcement on June 1. “She is ready to build upon the incredible culture that has been established at Canyon Ridge and continue to enhance teaching and learning for all.”

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