Tag Archives: River Place

Vandegrift student donates sculpture to Turtle Rescue Inc.

Vandegrift junior Essa Garrett created a statement environmental piece in her sculpture class. She recently donated the work to Turtle Rescue Inc. of South Padre Island.

Essa Garrett, a junior at Vandegrift, donated a sculpture to Turtle Rescue Inc. of South Padre Island. The project was part of a sculpture class assignment at VHS to produce something to educate the public about the environment.

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River Place dads create local triathlon


River Place residents Conner Erwin and Brent Werbeck are competing in a triathlon they created for charity called Fool’s Race. Photo by Christina Muchow of Hatched Photography

By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News

Two River Place residents, Conner Erwin and Brent Werbeck, created a full course triathlon  called Fool’s Race that they will be competing in and benefiting charity along the way.

Neither Erwin nor Werbeck have completed a race of this length before, with Werbeck never having completed a triathlon before. But they plan to participate to the fullest, said Erwin, husband and father of two sons, Van and Jet. He is vice president of sales for hospitality tech firm, b4checkin.

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Axing education foundations first on Troxell’s list, booster clubs next

Many of you may be not aware, but our Four Point’s academic booster, Viper Nation Education Foundation, along with the Leander Educational Excellence Foundation, are currently fighting for their existence. These two organizations have only done great things for our students, but our relatively new Superintendent has determined that the Viper Nation Education Foundation has to cease operations as a stand-alone entity and operate as a single, district-wide foundation.

Dr. Troxell has stated that VNEF’s existence is raising “equity” issues within the district, which may open the district to potential legal liability. I believe this to be a fallacy. A false argument that Dr. Troxell is using as an excuse to abolish VNEF.

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Comanche Trail hosts first, community-wide fire drill

By JILL AMENT, Texas Standard

Comanche Trail, like other communities in Four Points, is surrounded by vegetation like cedar trees, which become flammable during dry spells. The neighborhood is also close to a couple of popular lakeside parks where the risk for recreational fires going wrong is high.

“We only have one way in and out if you want to get to the main streets. So, we’ve all kind of wondered forever, ‘What if?’” said resident Gary Maddox.

Another resident, Tom Hollingshead, also has been wondering. “I’m on the top of a hill, so I worry about a fire starting at the bottom,” he said.

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