Grandview’s SAS property rezoned, cleared for sale
By LESLEE BASSMAN, Four Points News
More development is coming to Four Points as another parcel of undeveloped land was rezoned by the Austin City Council last week.
With a developer planning to construct about 362,000 square feet of office buildings on a 94-acre tract at 11920 Wilson Parke Avenue at RM 620, Austin City Council approved rezoning the site from interim-rural residence to general office district during its April 11 meeting. The item passed on the council’s consent agenda, with District 8 Council Member Paige Ellis abstaining.
The office buildings are slated to be located north of the intersection of Wilson Parke and Vista Parke Drive, according to a Feb. 25 letter sent to the city from engineering firm Big Red Dog. The development is expected to be constructed in 2020 and a traffic impact analysis showed the proposed use will generate about 3,692 average daily trips.