December 5 2018 Issue
Vandegrift during warmups before the 6 p.m. kicko vs Longview at McLane Stadium at Baylor University in Waco. ZACH SMITH
By ZACH SMITH, Four Points News
WACO — As head coach Drew Sanders addressed his team Saturday night, a mixture of emotions filled the air.
There were undoubtedly tears after the Vipers’ historic season came to an end in the regional semifinals following a 56-29 loss to Longview at Baylor’s McLane Stadium. But there was also a sense of optimism, as the Vipers proved that they’ll be a force to be reckoned with for the foreseeable future.
Antoinette McCall, 16, on a ride on her mountain bike. On Nov. 20, she tumbled off her bike, hitting her head on a rock and smashing her helmet. As of Sunday night, she was still hospitalized with head and neck injuries.
By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News
The Steiner Ranch Master Association board is considering adding another swimming pool in Steiner Ranch but would have to buy back pricey impervious cover acres to accomplish it.
The item was discussed at the most recent board meeting on Nov. 5. The agenda item was stated as “8 lane 50 meter heated lap pool & splash pad” listed under “Investments in community & amenities”.
During the homeowner forum portion of the meeting, Rick Steans spoke up.
The Vandegrift Baseball Booster Club held its second annual Honey Baked Ham fundraiser this month, and it also helped families in need.
Viper baseball players sold hams, turkeys, sides and gift cards to the greater Four Points community and delivered the goodies directly to more than 150 customers on Nov. 17.
Q&A, Holly Lyons, Director Legacies
How is the Legacies team?
This year our team consists of 48 highly skilled dancers and performers. Week after week they showcase their abilities in pep rally performances and their traditional halftime show.