Vandegrift PTSA Healthy Lifestyles committee member and licensed professional counselor Shelley Coleman presented “Communicating with your Teen” at a brown bag lunch at VHS earlier this year.
By SARAH DOOLITTLE, Four Points News
“Communicating with your Teen” was the topic of a presentation earlier this year hosted by the Vandegrift Parent Teacher Student Association Healthy Lifestyles committee, which focuses on student health and wellness.
The talk was lead by Shelley Coleman, committee member and licensed professional counselor. She spoke to an eager audience of parents and opened with a promise — and a caveat. “You are going to learn the secret (of communicating with your teen): there is no secret.”
Coleman first explained to parents what they could expect from their teens developmentally.
“Emotionally they are separating from us as parents. They’re beginning to distance themselves from us. Their friends are more important than we are,” she said.