The Isidores started 4Points Academy located in Steiner Ranch: Eustace, Nesia, Naome (7), and Etienne (8).
Local founders have passion for education
By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News
Started as an educational vision by local residents, 4Points Academy recently relocated to a larger space in the same Quinlan Crossing shopping center near Randalls.
Eustace Isidore and his wife Nesia Warner Isidore — each originally from the Caribbean and both successful as a patent attorney who owns a law firm and global trade consultant for a worldwide accounting firm — created 4Points Academy in 2016. The private school offers full time kinder through 8th grade, flexible and part-time programs for home-schoolers and athletes, and after school options.
“The new facilities have more space and a nicer feel overall. We plan to put a playscape in back and use some of the green space for instruction,” Eustace said. The school is located at 5145 RM 620.