Antoinette McCall, 16, on a ride on her mountain bike. On Nov. 20, she tumbled off her bike, hitting her head on a rock and smashing her helmet. As of Sunday night, she was still hospitalized with head and neck injuries.
By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News
Antoinette McCall, 16, had a bike accident while on a training ride with two teammates on the Steiner Ranch trails on Tuesday, Nov. 20. She was going an estimated 8 miles an hour when she crashed, hitting her head on the rocky ground, and her helmet — which saved her head from more severe injury — shattered.
“They were into their descent of Stampede Hill when Antoinette’s bike slipped out, we are not sure if it was loose rock that caused fall or possibly her wheel caught in a new rut caused by recent rains and overgrown grass,” said Rebekah Trevelise, McCall’s mom.
Her bike slipped out from underneath her, sending her body down on the right side of her bike.